b'GRID MODERNIZATION CYCLEUtilities require solutions that are specific to their needs. Ulteig works directly with electric utilities on creating well-designed plans for implementing grid modernization objectives to ensure long-lasting benefits. Not sure where to start? Generally, we recommend the following four stages for implementing a long-term grid modernization strategy. Enter the process at whatever step makes the most sense for your utility:1SYSTEM EVALUATION & FRAMEWORK DESIGN Since every utility is different, the first step is to evaluate 2 COMMUNICATION, NETWORK your utilitys individual systems & DATA MANAGEMENT to determine its unique needs, The overall effectiveness of Grid identify current issues andModernization implementation is discover high-risk areas. enhanced by include a secure From there, we can develop communication network and aa solution to address yourmethod for managing incoming specific goals. data. This isnt a one-size-fits-allsolution, so we can help find one to suit your needs. 1 ! 0 $ 1 mwh 1 0 $ 5 1 0 1 0 BLUE0 1 1amps 1 0 ! 1 DATA mw 1 $ PRINT0$ 3 0 1 1 ! 0 100 1 0 1 $ 1 0 volts 04 DATA ANALYTICSPROCESSING Once a design is implemented,3TECH SOLUTIONS & the final step is to think about FIELD IMPLEMENTATION how data is not only captured,The next step is to complete the but also processed, stored andgrid modernization project and interpreted. Our experts canimplement it into your system. help you lay out and enableCritical decisions need to be a process that uses thismade regarding overall design, information to your utilitysimplementation and vendor maximum benefit.selection. Ulteig can help you navigate through these difficult hurdles. Ulteig.com | We listen. We solve.2'