Reliable Solutions for Power Delivery & Renewable Generation
At Ulteig, we are dedicated to transforming both traditional power systems and renewable energy infrastructure. Our comprehensive engineering solutions bridge the gap between reliability and innovation, ensuring that utilities, developers, IPPs, EPCs and contractors achieve their project goals while advancing towards a sustainable future.

Power and Renewables Solutions and Services
Our team of experts brings precision, innovation and a commitment to excellence within every opportunity. From initial design to final implementation, we provide comprehensive engineering solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your project.
• Substation design
• Energy studies
• Grid enhancement studies
• Battery energy storage solutions (BESS)
• Solar and wind energy engineering
• EPC services
• Grid modernization
• System integration and SCADA
• Transmission planning studies
• Transmission design
• ISO services
• CAISO Metering
• FERC/NERC compliance
• Enivonrmental, permitting, right-of-way and survey
Technology and Innovation

SCADA-based hardware, software and integration solution for utility-scale renewable energy sites, including solar and energy storage plants.

Project management GIS tool designed to optimize data management, communication and more.

Bias-free decision engine to streamline and enhance technology evaluations.
Connect with Us
Navigate the complexities of Power and Renewables projects with Ulteig, leveraging innovative solutions to drive a sustainable energy future.