Customized Data Collection and Mapping Solutions

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is one of many innovative services that Ulteig offers to meet the unique mapping needs of our clients. Our GIS team expertly uses the most advanced software in the industry to provide customized geospatial solutions built around your business requirements. Ulteig’s GIS solutions range from data collection and custom mapping to web mapping solutions and technical support for Ulteig’s Lifeline Sector clients.

What We Do

PinPoint™ is a Geographical Information System (GIS) ‘source-of-truth’ technology solution for streamlined project management of even the most complex, large-scale engineering projects. LEARN MORE or REQUEST A LIVE DEMO today.

  • Web and mobile GIS applications; construction tracking dashboards, mobile mapping solutions, data download hubs
  • Field inspection forms (daily logs, SWPPP, etc.)
  • Drone imagery and 3D modeling
  • 360 VMI: Video & Mapping Integration
  • GPS data collection
  • As-Built document scanning and map data integration
  • ArcGIS online setup and training
  • GIS implementation planning
  • Integration with clients’ GIS Department data
  • Suitability modeling; transmission route studies, buildable area generation and mitigation mapping