Ulteigā€™s System Protection Engineering services encompass the full range of asset protection, from generation to distribution across greenfield and brownfield projects. Our tailored solutions are designed to meet the unique needs and standards of each client.Ā 

From large utilities to owner-operators, we deliver reliability, compliance and efficiency, ensuring your systems are robust and future-proof. Our team strives to understand each clientā€™s protection philosophy and develops relay settings and reports in a manner consistent with each clientā€™s practices. If you donā€™t have a standard, we have the experience and expertise to develop innovative protection solutions to protect your assets by balancing security, dependability, cost and safety.

What We Do

  • Protective Relay Settings Development and Coordination
  • Line Protection
    • Pilot Communication Assisted Schemes (POTT, DCB, DCUB, Line Current Differential)
    • Mutual Coupling
    • Multi-Terminal Lines
    • Long or Short Line Applications
    • Weak Terminals
    • Power Swing Blocking/Tripping
  • Distribution Feeder Protection
  • Feeder Protection (Wind or Solar)
  • Transformer Protection
  • Bus Protection
  • Breaker Failure Protection
  • Reclosing
  • Shunt Reactor Bank Protection ā€“ Dry Type or Oil-Filled
  • Shunt Capacitor Bank Protection
  • Generation Protection
  • Motor Protection
  • DER Interconnection Protection
  • IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging
  • Event Report Analysis and Investigation
  • NERC PRC Compliance Analysis/Reports
  • Protection Design

  • ASPEN OneLiner
  • ASPEN Line Constants
  • CAPE
  • ETAP
  • SKM Power*Tools
  • Milsoft WindMil
  • AutoCAD
  • Microstation
  • EasyPower

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