Statewide Capacity Expansion Evaluations: The Ultimate Solution for Generation Expansion Forecasts

Optimize your energy development decisions, reduce risks and gain a competitive edge in the evolving energy market with Ulteig's expert evaluations.

Ulteig’s Statewide Capacity Expansion Evaluations provide a comprehensive and customized analysis of the future energy landscape in a given state for renewable project developers, investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, state regulatory agencies, and partners in the utility regulatory process. Our report considers load requirements, resource mix, transmission constraints, regulatory policies and wholesale market dynamics to deliver a detailed, 20-year planning forecast. The model incorporates multiple scenarios that contemplate energy expansion opportunities and challenges. With actionable recommendations, our evaluations will help you maximize project value and profitability for renewable, BESS and traditional thermal generation.

Key Benefits

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Reduce Risk:
Our evaluations include running multiple scenarios to account for uncertainties such as economic growth and technological breakthroughs in decarbonization. This approach allows for the development of themes and narratives that provide valuable insights into future state-level developments.

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Achieve a Competitive Advantage:
Gain insights into how utilities might impact the Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) of neighboring utilities, giving you a competitive edge and helping you get ahead of future grid constraints.

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Gain a Comprehensive View:
Our evaluations offer a combined state look that can inform policymakers, analysts, utilities and developers. This comprehensive view is designed to incorporate state-level planning and decision-making alternatives.

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Add Engineering Perspective:
Ulteig’s experts add engineering perspective to the typical economic data available in similar reports. Receive an executive summary and supporting technical details that are digestible and relevant to multiple levels of stakeholders from executives to engineers. Ulteig’s team of experts is available to meet with your team to discuss and provide additional clarity surrounding the report.

Get started today with Ulteig’s Statewide Capacity Expansion Evaluations. Contact our team of experts for more information or for a custom consultation.

Ready to predict the future in your state? Reach out to our team for more information or to schedule a consultation.