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Employee Spotlight: Opportunity to Develop Renewables Solutions Brings Devin Radovich to Ulteig

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September 22, 2021

If you’ve ever wondered how you can make an impact on our planet, invite Devin Radovich out for a coffee. With a deep-seated passion to reverse the effects of climate change and global warming, Radovich realized that there was no better place for him to make the kind of impact that he wanted to make on the planet than to join the Renewables team at Ulteig.

Devin Radovich joined Ulteig five months ago as Market Development Manager-Renewables, in Ulteig’s Denver office. With 17 years of experience in the renewables industry, Radovich found himself thinking about his future and the future of the planet as he worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was during this time that he realized that he needed to work with a company that had the means and the mindset to make a difference – a firm that was innovative and forward-thinking, but also pragmatic problem solvers. The kind of place that makes things happen.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be able to pair my renewable energy experience with my ability to sell to make tangible renewables solutions at Ulteig and for our world,” said Radovich.\


The Time for Renewables Work is Now

One of the things that attracted Radovich to Ulteig is the firm’s understanding of the significance of the work that needs to get done in the area of renewables.

“The importance of renewables is paramount. The danger of climate change and global warming is out there. It’s real and it’s happening. I have seen the world change because of carbon emissions,” Radovich explained. “We can’t wait for the next guy to fix it. By the time that one guy gets around to fixing it, it may be too late.”

“I have kids. We need to solve these issues for them. We can’t wait for them to solve it for us,” Radovich added.

At Ulteig, Radovich sees the opportunity for the firm to help the country increase the resiliency of the nation’s power grid – to bring more cleaner power online, and to make the grid stronger and more resilient to extreme weather events, an increased demand for power over the years, and cyberattacks.

“This may sound a tad extreme but making our grid more resilient is as important as investing in a strong military defense to keep foreign adversaries at bay,” Radovich explained. “With more and more people and businesses asking: What is to be done? What are we going to do? The time to act is now.”

Based on his experience, Radovich thinks society is not even on the tip of the iceberg to how much really needs to get built. “Everything is powered. If we all want to keep charging our cell phones, we must come up with a solution,” Radovich acknowledged. “At this point, it is a ‘has to,’ not a ‘hope to.’”

Ulteig Positioned for Breakthrough Renewables Work

A primary concern is the importance of infrastructure. “I see Ulteig in a position to be able to help solve those problems,” noted Radovich. “Ulteig is in the right physical locations to assist in that need and to understand the way the grid works. More importantly, the company knows how to use that knowledge to make it more resilient and more redundant from how it’s been done historically.”

“The level of collaboration with all the different skillsets and technical aptitudes among Ulteig’s 13 offices across North America is unparalleled,” noted Radovich. “Being able to share ideas and then immediately implement solutions sets Ulteig apart when creating the types of renewables solutions that are necessary right now.”

Radovich feels the opportunity to make an impact on the renewables market at Ulteig is outstanding. “Ulteig will give me the opportunity to provide a much larger impact to our industry. Instead of being sequestered to a single company, I get to branch out and work with many different construction and development entities,” explained Devin. “I am excited about the real opportunity to provide a larger, meaningful influence on our business.”

Culture and Benefits Sealed the Deal

Working from home, and having a flexible schedule was something that caught my eye when reading Zak Grabowski’s Employee Spotlight. A firm that allows Grabowski’s to do the work he is so passionate about, and still remain a dedicated father and avid outdoors person, is what solidified the deal.

Employee ownership — directly sharing in the hard work and resulting successes of the firm — was another draw for Radovich. “I like the idea of helping others be successful and in return, they are helping me succeed,” Radovich explained. “It’s like being invited to dinner forever. How much more of a compliment can you get?”

“Throughout the interviewing process, I witnessed firsthand how Ulteig was operating. I knew it was time to take that first step forward toward real work that would bring tangible results in renewables,” said Radovich. “After five months at Ulteig, I have been floored by the amount of collaboration between offices and groups. It’s just amazing. I can honestly say that the grass is really greener on the other side.”

Home Sweet Home: Colorado

Colorado has always been home for Radovich. He grew up in Denver and is a graduate of Colorado State University where he was a Division 1 cross-country runner. As an avid runner, he loves to trail run and is also a golfer, cyclist and a snowboarder. Radovich now gets to share his love of the outdoors and all that Colorado offers with his family.

Radovich also is a classic car enthusiast although his wife isn’t as big of fan. “I had five cars when we met,” Radovich explained. “She told me right away that we’re not having a used car lot out in front of our house.” He sold them all except for a four-door 1968 Cadillac Sedan Deville with a 472 hp V8 motor. Radovich plans to work on retrofitting it for electric when the time comes, which he acknowledges may be sooner than later.

Ulteig welcomes Devin Radovich to our Renewables team. If you’d like to read about the experiences of other Ulteig team members, such as Michelle Veale, Bob Smith, or Vanessa Victor, visit our Knowledge Center. Think you might be a good fit for Ulteig? Visit our Careers page to learn about current career opportunities.

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