Never Underestimate the Power of Bridges to Connect
April 26, 2021
Connecting Communities, Enhancing Lives
New Video Captures Ulteig’s Passion For, and Expertise in, Bridges
Bridges are critical to the success of the United States and Canada. They connect more than places – they connect people, businesses, communities, cities and even nations.
Within Ulteig’s Transportation Structure Group, our Bridge Team is a group of engineers who specialize in bridges, from small county bridges that connect small towns across rural North America to multimillion-dollar, multi-use bridges that increase the efficiency and safety within a complex urban-suburban transportation complex. Their passion for all things bridges is captured in a new video, which speaks to the team’s expertise, experience and ability to develop solutions that make bridges more effective and efficient.
“Bridges are more than a means of getting across from one place to another or getting over a space that was at one time impassable or difficult to cross,” said John Butt, P.E., technical manager who leads the Ulteig Bridge Team. “Bridges, big and small, are powerful reminders of their ability to connect people, cities and even nations.”
With decades of experience, Ulteig’s Bridge Team elevates bridge design, construction and inspection to a higher level. For existing bridges and structures, Ulteig’s Bridge Team can help clients evaluate the condition of existing structures and propose repairs to improve the longevity and/or increase the capacity of the structure. With a forward-looking view to building bridges that meet future demands, the Ulteig Bridge Team takes a pragmatic approach towards design that focuses on delivering long-lasting quality and functionality, while creating a structure that enhances the identity of the people who will rely on a bridge, day-in and day-out.
“We take a real-world approach to bridge design, construction and inspection,” added Butt. “We take into account what a bridge can help accomplish today, as well as what might be demanded of it in the future – 20, 40 or 60 years from now.”
Transportation Statement of Qualifications
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