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PathFinder™: Revolutionizing the Future of Grid Management

January 8, 2024

As power grid infrastructure management grows increasingly complex, the need for efficient, data-driven decision-making tools is paramount. Enter PathFinder™, a tool designed to streamline the process of prioritizing large-scale technology projects. By integrating decades of engineering experience into a comprehensive decision engine, PathFinder offers an innovative approach to navigating the intricacies of modern grid management.

Explore how PathFinder can reshape the way you approach key technology decisions in the power utilities industry.

Unveiling the Key Features of Pathfinder

PathFinder allows users to address the challenges facing today’s utility companies by comparing technologies and infrastructure investments through the same methodology Ulteig’s experts use themselves.

Decades of Industry Knowledge

Ulteig’s years of expertise across transmission, distribution and substations have been packed into Pathfinder’s evaluation.

Comprehensive Evaluation

With 85+ predefined criteria, PathFinder offers an in-depth analysis of technology options. This depth of evaluation enables utilities to make decisions based on a holistic and bias-free view of their technology choices.

User-friendly Interface

Bringing complex evaluations to your fingertips, PathFinder users can easily create new evaluations and select a specific use case from a library of 41 applications to evaluate a technology of their choice.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

In the fast-paced world of energy asset management and prioritization, collaboration is supreme. PathFinder fosters seamless teamwork and efficient decision-making by allowing the easy addition of multiple users within the same organization.

Objective Prioritization

PathFinder enables users to compare technologies and investments side-by-side, without bias, and confidently move forward on the right projects.

Built-In Benefits

Managing grid infrastructure comes with its fair share of complexities, making data-backed decision-making an essential aspect of the process. PathFinder provides a host of benefits in these key areas:

Time Efficiency

Time is a valuable resource. By leveraging its key features, PathFinder expedites the decision-making process, freeing up more time for strategic thinking and planning.

Informed Decision-Making

PathFinder enables users to make confident, well-informed decisions about their technology investments. This can lead to improvements in grid and equipment reliability and accuracy, yielding significant time and cost savings.

Increased Confidence and Support

The tool is designed to handle complex evaluations of multiple inputs and technologies, relieving the burden on teams and enabling more efficient processes.

Contributing to Grid Advancement

Users can contribute to the enhancement of grid reliability, resiliency and safety, thereby having a positive impact on the broader community.

Applications in Action

Designed with versatility and adaptability at its core, PathFinder meets a wide range of pressing needs, from overarching challenges to day-to-day tasks. A sampling includes:

  • Overhead design optimization
  • Equipment budgeting
  • Enhanced substation security
  • Storm response preparedness
  • Equipment monitoring and alerting
  • Arc flash solutions
  • Guidance on equipment replacement
  • Aerial scanning optimization
  • Construction monitoring support

Navigating FERC Compliance and Other Critical Challenges

The power market faces numerous challenges — many which emerge on a regular basis. PathFinder can help navigate these with ease:

  • Meeting increased demand due to electrification and EV adoption
  • Managing additional complexities from bi-directional flow from DERs
  • Coping with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events
  • Addressing a lack of transmission capacity requiring vast, expensive upgrades
  • Compliance with multiple new FERC mandates necessitating equipment updates

Saving Time and Financial Investment Through Prioritization

PathFinder stands out in the market with a unique set of advantages. As a systematic, neutral decision-making engine, it enables users to evaluate options without bias and to base decisions on comprehensive, objective criteria. PathFinder also provides users with a direct connection to substation and transmission engineering expertise. This means that you’re not simply getting a standalone tool, but also access to knowledge and experience Ulteig has accumulated over decades in the industry.

PathFinder was equipped to harness this deep-rooted experience to embed intelligence into processes, helping optimize infrastructure decisions and operations for power utilities requiring a defined and efficient method of evaluating new technologies.

Shaping the Future of Grid Infrastructure Management

Currently, PathFinder’s primary focus lies within the power utilities industry, specifically substations and transmissions. However, its decision engine framework can be adapted to other applications and markets if the need arises — and we’re confident this will be a likelihood in the near future.

It’s not just a tool for the present, but a solution for the future, continuously evolving to meet the needs of a rapidly changing energy landscape. Utilities can now make technology investment decisions that are data-driven, time-efficient and ultimately beneficial for the business and customers, choosing a path towards a more efficient and reliable power grid.

Questions about PathFinder or other advancements in the Power Lifeline Sector®? Contact Ulteig today.

  • Municipal Planning, Program & Project Management, Substation Engineering & Design, Technology, Transmission Engineering & Design, Transmission Planning


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