WTS Colorado Honors Angy Casamento & CDOT I-70 Bridge Replacement

group of ladies and men holding awards
February 2, 2023

Ulteig is the recipient of two WTS (Women in Transportation) Colorado awards for 2022. All honorees were recognized at the 2023 WTS Colorado Annual Awards luncheon on Jan. 26 in Denver. Congratulations to Angy Casamento, Andi Schmid and the CDOT I-70 Bridge project team!

Rosa Parks Diversity Award: Angy Casamento, Senior Project Manager Rosa Parks Diversity Award: Angy Casamento, Senior Project Manager

WTS gives this annual award to an individual or organization that has:

  • Exhibited outstanding and extraordinary efforts or initiative(s) in developing professional opportunities for women and minorities
  • Contributed significantly to promoting diversity and multi-cultural awareness within their organization, the transportation industry, or in a project or activity that supports the goals and mission of WTS Colorado

Angy has a long list of commitments to promote opportunities for young women and especially Latinas in our industry. Among other things, Angy personally mentors a Colorado Mesa University sophomore and sponsors a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related scholarship. Angy promotes STEM among students at her children’s elementary school and she also serves as the Ulteig liaison for the Colorado School of Mines Society of Women Engineers (SWE) chapter.

highwayInnovative Transportation Solution of the Year: CDOT I-70 Bridge Replacement of F-13-S Minor

The WTS guidelines asked for projects that involved several women in important roles, including project manager, with descriptions of how those women successfully met and overcame challenges.

Ulteig’s project team had 10 women in total and three in leadership positions including: Andi Schmid, Director-Civil, as the Project Principal, Sarah Navarro, CDOT-Project Manager and Emily Wilfong, Collective Marketing-Public Involvement.

The realignment of I-70, accomplished with four distinct phasing shifts and multiple retaining walls, was a major roadway project and a highly technical bridge replacement project that increased transportation resiliency for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the traveling community.Angy Casamento and members of the I-70 Bridge Team picked up their trophies at the Jan. 26 WTS Annual Awards Luncheon. Other Ulteig folks were there to cheer them on.

Angy Casamento and members of the I-70 Bridge Team picked up their trophies at the Jan. 26 WTS Annual Awards Luncheon. Other Ulteig folks were there to cheer them on.

  • Awards, Bridges, Transportation Planning & Design


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