
Introducing a bias-free decision engine that saves time, money and valued resources by presenting objective consultation and timely reporting when prioritizing large-scale technology projects.

Bias-free Decision Making

PathFinderTM packages decades of engineering experience into one comprehensive engine.

A software solution crafted in-house that leverages decades of aggregated use cases to champion decision confidence through an intuitive, data-driven interface and detailed spider web reporting.

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Introducing PathFinder: Revolutionizing the Future of Grid Management

Turn Weeks of Research and Discovery Into Hours

Leverage the extensive engineering expertise from Ulteig in transmission, distribution and substations, seamlessly integrated into the evaluation process of PathFinder.

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Decades of Industry Knowledge

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Comprehensive Evaluation

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Cross-Functional Collaboration

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Objective Prioritization

Built-In Benefits

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Time Efficiency

PathFinder expedites the decision-making process, freeing up more time for strategic thinking and planning.

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Informed Decision-Making

PathFinder enables users to make confident, well-informed decisions about their technology investments.

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Increased Confidence and Support

The tool is designed to handle complex evaluations of multiple inputs and technologies, relieving the burden on teams and enabling more efficient processes.

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Contributing to Grid Advancement

Users can contribute to the enhancement of grid reliability, resiliency and safety, thereby having a positive impact on the broader community.

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Save Time and Money

PathFinder stands out in the market with a unique set of advantages. A systematic, neutral decision-making engine, it enables users to evaluate options without bias and to base decisions on comprehensive, objective criteria. This means that you’re not simply getting a standalone tool, but also access to knowledge and experience Ulteig has accumulated over decades in the industry.

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Simple Interface. Tremendous Impact.

PathFinder streamlines and optimizes projects across the power utilities industry.