City of Arvada

Enhancing Colorado Infrastructure

Ulteig is currently serving as the City of  Arvada’s Owner’s Rep for the W 72nd Avenue Bond project. This CMGC project includes widening W. 72nd Ave. between Kipling and Simms Streets from two lanes to four with all new pavement, curb and gutter, 14 ft shared-use paths on both sides of  the roadway, lighting, and landscaping.

It also includes:

  • An underpass at the Union Pacific Railroad crossing near Oak St. to eliminate traffic backups
  • Drainage improvements and right-of-way acquisition

Ulteig is working as the owner’s representative for the city, bringing expertise in the CMGC process. The team is providing services that include design review, value engineering, schedule review, cost negotiations, and public outreach. 

Once construction begins, Ulteig will continue as the owner’s rep, managing the construction process and fully inspecting, testing, and documenting final quantities and payment. Ulteig also developed a GIS-based right-of-way tracking tool to assist the City with tracking the status of the 84 property easements and acquisitions needed to complete the project.

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