Transmission Planning

Ulteigā€™s depth of expertise and knowledge of the regulatory environment makes us well positioned to conduct a wide range of studies in transmission planning, transient studies, generation interconnection and NERC compliance, from coast-to-coast. Our team of highly-qualified studies engineers provide insightful analysis to help guide you in your decision-making, advising you of potential pitfalls and future project considerations. We manage all aspects of these studies in-house, which results in efficient stakeholder collaboration and gives you direct and reliable access to our team.

What We Do

  • Transient and dynamic stability studies
  • Power flow and contingency analysis
  • Remedial action schemes
  • Insulation coordination studies
  • Fault current studies
  • System operating limits studies
  • Cascading failure analysis
  • Critical clearing time verification studies
  • Transmission line path studies
  • Mitigation solutions for multiple voltage and thermal violations
  • Verification studies with multiple vendor softwares (PSLF, PSSE)
  • Complete network dynamic stability studies for new/retired generation and critical clearing times
  • Complete network dynamic stability studies for NERC 754 critical clearing and cluster studies
  • Other region-specific evaluations upon request

  • Transient recovery voltage (TRV) studies
  • Fuse/breaker coordination studies
  • Switching studies
  • Harmonic studies
  • Capacitor bank switching studies
  • Subsynchronous resonance

  • Solar/wind dynamic and static model development
  • Transfer limits
  • Ride-through studies (IEEE 1547)
  • Small generator interconnection studies
  • Utility-scale solar/wind project interconnection support
  • Reactive power compensation sizing studies
  • Cost allocation studies
  • Best location studies based on injection size

  • FAC-008-3
  • MOD-025-2
  • MOD-026-1
  • MOD-027-1
  • PRC-001-1.1(ii)
  • PRC-004-5
  • PRC-005-6
  • MOD-032-1
  • PRC-019-2
  • PRC-023-4
  • PRC-024-2
  • PRC-025-2
  • PRC-026-1
  • PRC-027-1
  • TPL-001-4
  • TPL-007-1