Ulteig has acquired Paradigm Environmental to expand our Water Lifeline Sector capabilities. Learn More

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Mark Presti, M. Eng. D., P. Eng.: Director of Sales Operations

Mark is an electrical engineer with 25 years of experience in the automation industry, with experience in developing wastewater collection and treatment, water treatment and distribution, energy, and manufacturing. He spent seven years with the Niagara Region as a SCADA engineer where he led a team that upgraded Niagara’s SCADA systems in all eight of their wastewater plants, six water plants, and associated remote locations equating to approximately 120 sites. With his team, Mark pursued state-of-the-art technologies in all their treatment facilities along with wide-area solutions for management and information distribution. Mark’s post-graduate degree focused on wastewater collection real-time control engineering strategies concerning the Port Dalhousie collection system. He also completed a multi-year energy efficiency plan and facilitated an energy audit in all water and wastewater locations that included recommendations to the Energy Efficiency Steering Committee on cost savings initiatives.

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