Jason Adams, PE – Designing a Safer Transportation System for Texas

man with glasses smiling
January 11, 2023

Jason Adams, PE excels in achieving larger goals by focusing on the details.

With nearly 20 years of experience completing design-bid-build plans and Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) projects around the state of Texas, he joins Ulteig’s Transportation Lifeline Sector as a Senior Engineer, ready to bolster the region’s transportation market with new capabilities and services.

“Having experience working in Texas my entire career helps me leverage my local connections and understanding of the regional market in this new role,” Adams said.  Jason also looks to augment the skills and knowledge base of the younger Ulteig engineers to better position the firm to win projects and deliver quality solutions for the state.

man and woman with mountains behind themDesigns That Make a Difference

In past projects, including railroad crossing enhancements and large-scale corridor improvements, Adams has enjoyed “the ability to design something and then see it get built.” The full-cycle nature of a project is a rewarding experience, and one he looks forward to with Ulteig. His expertise includes taking on full-scale PS&E projects, where he can focus on the design and planning at the early stages of a project.

Success on a project is multifaceted for Jason. While budget and timeline are certainly important to the state, Adams noted that quality of work is the most visible, and it is crucial to each project

“Quality directly relates to your reputation. At the end of the day, we strive to provide the State with a high-quality product that we stand behind, with the support of our partners in TxDOT,” he said.

man with family on water roller coasterThinking Outside the Box

Some of Jason’s favorite projects include instances where he can use his expertise while also working through challenges.

“Sometimes, you get into a project and things change. You have to think outside the box,” he said. This creative thinking is exactly what has driven Adams to a career as an engineer in Texas, using non-traditional pathways to attend school and rise through the ranks.

Along the way, Adams has picked up valuable professional experience. His passion for design has been fed by opportunities to learn new software and technology that are focused on safety. Most notably, Adams described the adoption of the roadway design software called OpenRoads, which is becoming an industry standard for project design. While many engineers are just beginning to familiarize themselves with OpenRoads, Adams has used the program for more than five years now.

This experience and professional background combined with his familiarity with the regional market trends will allow Jason to establish Ulteig as a leading engineering firm throughout Texas.

“It’s exciting to be involved at this early stage as the State shifts to OpenRoads,” Adams said. “We’re all learning and are able to give the state exactly what they want, how they want it. We’ve built good relationships and if we do a good job, it’s going to position us to hopefully win other projects.”

man in front of buildingExperience for a Safer Future

Adams and his colleague Aldo Lopez, with whom he worked at a past firm, are looking to utilize previously established partnerships to expand throughout the state.

“We can anticipate which areas of the state are going to boom in the next few years and position ourselves to utilize existing relationships and develop new ones,” Adams said. “We are trying to be more targeted in our approach.”

He is excited to align with TxDOT’s new strategies and goals to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety and anticipates a reduction in the amount of highway deaths around the state. With a focus on smart work zones, safety score calculators and other safety initiatives, Adams is confident that he can collaborate with counties and the state on projects to design and implement new, more efficient and safer roadways for the community.

Jason is extremely detail-oriented, both in his work and home-life. In every project, Jason gives the necessary time and attention to create a high-quality project design. He is keenly aware, too, how important flexibility is in life and work.

“You need to be able to recognize, pivot and be flexible to adapt to the challenge,” Adams said.

With his sights set on the future — of a project or in his own personal life — Jason Adams takes every opportunity one step at a time. In fact, he is working on a personal goal to visit all 50 states by the age of 50, having crossed off 42 from his list. He, along with his wife and three boys, enjoys traveling and spending quality time together.

“Enjoying time with the people I care about is what drives me,” he said. “You work to live.”

Adams brings honorable values, a relentless dedication to quality and attention to detail to Ulteig’s Transportation team. With his experience and leadership skills, he is excited to grow with Ulteig in Texas and beyond.

  • Transportation Planning & Design


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