Bayou to Elizabeth 115kV Rebuild | CO

Ulteig performed environmental, permitting, land acquisition, transmission engineering and project management for CORE, a large Colorado cooperative client. A preliminary desktop evaluation was completed to determine environmental resources within the project area. A subsequent field visit was conducted to verify on-site conditions, assess habitat suitability for federal and state listed species, identify wetlands and determine if additional surveys and permits were necessary. Prior to construction activities, Ulteig completed the avian nest survey within the project area. Federal and state agencies were contacted to request known raptor/eagle nests in the vicinity of the project area, and if found these nests would be verified during the survey. New nests identified within the project area would be mapped and pertinent information recorded (e.g., species, number of individuals, nesting material, etc.). Guidance and avoidance measures per Colorado Parks and Wildlife were provided based on the survey results. A permit matrix was created to identify state and County permits required for the project. In addition, Ulteig provided land services for this project including estimating and creation of offer packages for temporary construction and access easements. Ulteig conducted research of public records to identify property owners along the transmission line and prepared notification letters for pre-design & pre-construction and created a landowner stipulation summary for CORE. Ulteig also performed the engineering design and project management for the 115 kV transmission line.

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