Environmental Planning Engineering Solutions

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Efficient, Compliant Environmental Engineering Solutions

Ulteigā€™s environmental team is composed of engineers and environmental scientists capable of providing the solutions needed to expertly see your project through to the end. Our granular expertise in minimizing environmental impact combined with regulation compliance allows us to play a key role in your projectā€™s success.

Our team handles and prepares all environmental documentation, permitting, planning and fieldwork to ensure federal, state and local agency stakeholders are satisfied. The end result ā€” a project that proceeds from concept to reality as quickly, efficiently and responsibly as possible.

Our Environmental Planning Solutions

  • Monitoring
  • Health and safety plans ā€” pre-construction, soil, groundwater
  • Environmental monitoring ā€” construction, wetlands, vegetation, wildlife
  • Environmental management plans ā€” invasive species, endangered species, wetlands, habitat
  • Restoration ā€” vegetation, soils, wetlands
  • Environmental remote sensing
  • Federally listed threatened and endangered species ā€” presence and absence surveys, habitat surveys, USFWS Consultation (Sections 7 and 10), habitat conservation plans
  • Section 4(f)/6(f) evaluation
  • State listed species ā€” presence and absence surveys, habitat surveys, agency coordination
  • Floodplain analysis
  • Avian and bat surveys and protection plans, avian risk assessments
  • Environmental siting and route studies
  • Environmental site assessment ā€” Desktop, Phase I, Phase II
  • Viewshed analysis
  • Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and Lead-Containing Paint (LCP) sampling
  • Wildlife crossings
  • Noise analysis, abatement and reporting

  • National environmental policy act review (Catex, Ea, Eis)
  • Planning and environmental linkage studies
  • Section 4(F) evaluation
  • Section 6(F) conversion
  • Traffic noise analysis
  • Section 7 biological assessment
  • Wildlife accommodation assessment
  • Mitigation plans
  • Phase I whey environmental site assessment
  • Spill containment and countermeasures plan
  • Stormwater pollution prevention plan
  • Environmental construction plan notes/specifications

  • Section 404 and state water resources permits
  • Section 401 water quality certification
  • Section 9 bridge permit
  • Section 402 national/state pollutant discharge elimination system permit
  • Watershed district permit
  • Floodplain development permit
  • Floodway ā€œNo Riseā€ certifications
  • Zoning permit

  • Wetland permitting (Federal, State and local permits, routing/siting permits)
  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

  • NEPA (environmental impact statement, environmental assessment, categorical exclusion)
  • Administrative record
  • State-level environmental documentation
  • Planning and environmental linkage studies
  • Public and stakeholder involvement

  • Public engagement meetings
  • Agency coordination
  • Online project mapper and comment platform
  • Media coordination
  • Direct mailings
  • Individual stakeholder meetings
  • Surveys and questionnaires


At Ulteig, we have built an environmental team that understands the big picture of what your project intends to accomplish. With this information, our team can provide the right environmental planning and engineering solutions to get your project done quickly and efficiently.

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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is one of many innovative services that Ulteig tailors to meet the unique needs of our clients within the power, renewables, transportation and water sectors.

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