100MW West Coast Solar Project

Meeting Rigorous CAISO Standards

This solar engineering project, located in central California, presented exciting opportunities for Ulteig. Like wind energy, solar energy makes its way from the original source to collection lines and then to the substation, where the energy exits at a high voltage. We designed the requirements of CAISO (California Independent System Operator), which controls the grid in California and has increased requirements and scrutiny. The interconnecting utility also implements strict design requirements for all projects that connect to their system, and we met these thorough standards quickly.

After receiving Notice to Proceed, Ulteig had its first round of deliverables to CAISO in less than two weeks. We also kept up with multiple submittal due dates and requested content from the various review parties. Our responsiveness and ability to bring a design to the table on short turnaround allowed the project to progress without compromising the schedule or quality of work.

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